Inspired by my love of bujo layouts I created a habit and mood tracker printable for the month of June. This booklet has a citrus theme and is a great way to enjoy the fun of a bullet journal even when you don’t have the time to draw one yourself!
These printable habit trackers, reading tracker, and printable fitness tracker designed to help students keep track of their progress towards their goals and record memories from the year.
There are 6 different templates included that I will show you how to use in your classroom or at home. The six templates include: 1. Monthly Mood Tracker, 2. Reading Tracker Printable, 3. Printable Habit Tracker, 4. Printable Fitness Tracker, 5. Daily Journal, and 6. Gratitude Printable.

How to Assemble the Mood Tracker Printable
First print off the 2 double sided pages and fold them in half. Then cut around the curved line on the edge of both pages. (There is also an option to print the pages on a full page if you would like to put them in a binder rather than make a mini booklet.)
Fold both habit tracker pages, so that the June mood tracker printable is on the front. Next, double check that the daily journal section goes in order. The daily journal spans 3 pages.
Once the pages are in the correct order, tuck both pages inside a cover page. Use a thicker cardstock page for the cover to protect the inside pages and make the booklet more sturdy.
Then simply staple the book together. Alternatively, punch 2 holes in the booklet instead. Then simply added a thread and tied it at the back of the book. Either method will work. Attaching it with string will take more time but is a beautiful option. Now that your booket is ready to go I will show you how to complete each page.
Monthly Mood Tracker Printable
First, to fill out the June monthly mood tracker printable decided on the scale at the bottom. I decided to record levels of energy on this daily mood tracker printable pdf rather than record emotions.
I am not a health expert so please consult professionals trained in this field for information on the importance of mood tracking and the different ways a daily mood tracker printable can be done.
For this page I show three different ways this page could be used. The mood tracker printable pdf is designed to complete 1 orange per day. With numbers corresponding to the days of the month.
Firstly, for orange no. 1 I colored it all with one color to represent the energy experienced at that moment. Secondly, for orange no. 2 I demonstrated how the oranges could be used at various points throughout the day. This helps visualize our change in energy as the day progresses. Thirdly, for orange no. 3 I drew a face to symbolize the mood as well as record the energy level.
Completing a mood tracker or energy tracker is a great way to check in and see how our bodies are feeling. I hope students enjoy this cute mood tracker printable!

Reading Book Coloring Page
The second page is a reading book coloring page for students to record the books they read in June. Simply write the title of the book and the author on each book spine. For this reading tracker printable, not all the books need to be filled in. If students are reading a chapter book that lasts all month they could also break down the book and record different chapters on each book spine.
Students could also draw additional books on top of the pile on the left side if they read more books than the spaces provided on the reading tracker.
Printable Habit Tracker
The third page is a printable habit tracker. It has spaces to track 3 different habits. Start by writing down what 3 habits you want to track. For this example I wrote math facts, spelling, and reading. Then, each day students color in the segments that they completed.
If your classroom does not have homework they could be used to track school tasks that students do on a regular basis. Alternatively, students could alternatively use it to record goals that they have at home, such as a piano practice chart.
Fitness Tracker Printable
The fourth page is a fitness tracker printable. This page does not have specific days attached to each orange segment. When students complete their exercise they color in one segment of an orange slice. The number of exercise minutes could also be recorded. Again, students can always draw another orange segment if needed.
Daily Journal Printable
The fifth section is a sentence per day journal. This is a great place for students to record something significant they would like to remember from their day. It makes a great keepsake from the school year that they can look back on. Some options students could choose from include:
-Write a memory of the day
-Write something new that you learned
-Share something you worked on
-Write about a new friend you met
-Share a milestone
-Share something kind you did for a friend
-Write about how you helped a classmate
-Write about how you would describe your day

What are you Thankful for Printable
The last page is a gratitude page, a what are you thankful for printable. On each segment of the orange slice students can write one thing they are thankful for, or a kindness they witnessed in the month of June.

Printable Name Labels
Additionally, there are 2 name plate options for this booklet to choose from. Simply, cut out the label of choice and glue it to the front. For this style I tucked a part of the label over the edge and then recorded the year on the inside of the cover.
I hope you find this a useful tool for tracking progress towards goals and as a way to record memories for the month of June.
More Summer Learning Resources
If you are looking for other fun summer activities to do with your students check out the blog post on how to build a Watermelon Fraction Garland that you can make! Or if you are practicing your summer writing check out this moveable instant camera writing activity! It is super cute too!