This is a fun Coloring Page of the earth that transforms into a craft to celebrate the beautiful planet we live on. A simple activity for Earth Day that requires just a little bit of paper and 2 elastics to make. Additionally, you get to learn about thaumatropes at the same time!

Looking for Earth Day Easy Crafts?
If you are looking for Earth Day easy crafts this is a great option. It is simple enough that it could work as an Earth Day craft for preschool or as an Earth Day craft kindergarten.
Building thaumatropes is also a fun big buddy – little buddy activity!
What are Thaumatropes?
A thaumatrope combines two images together. It was popular in Victoria times. The word is derived from 2 greek words: “Thauma” means wonder or marvel, and “trope” means turn.
Though each image is separate, we hold both images together in our mind and see them as a single image when moved at a quick speed. This is known as “persistence of vision.”
The thaumatrope was made popular by John Ayrton Paris in 1825, but existed before that date. Search some of the early thaumatrope designs, such as the bird in a cage.

Printing Options for the Coloring Page the Earth
Start by printing out the coloring page of the Earth template of choice. Additionally, there is also a blank template for students to draw their own thaumatrope designs.
Where to Find the Earth Day Craft Projects
You can find these Earth Day craft projects on my website or on Teachers Pay Teachers. See the links below to download your copy!
My Shopify Site
Download on my website: Coloring Page of Earth – Earth Day Craft Projects
Teachers Pay Teachers Site
Download on TPT store: Coloring Page of Earth – Earth Day Easy Crafts
Included with this Coloring Page of the Earth
Each coloring page of the Earth makes 2 thaumatropes.
This Earth Day craft projects includes:
-There are 4 different Earth views included in these coloring pages of Earth Day
-Photo Instructions showing how to complete the craft
-Video Instructions
How to Assemble Coloring Pages of Earth Day
It is simple to assemble these coloring pages of Earth Day.
First color the images on each circle. There are 4 different options showing different views of the earth to choose from.
When completing the coloring pages of Earth Day, it is helpful to look at photographs of the earth to see where to blend greens and browns for each continent. It is also helpful to blend shades of blue in the ocean for this coloring page Earth Day.
Cutting out the Coloring Page Earth Day
Now it is time to begin assembling the Earth Day craft. First cut carefully around each circle.
To make the thaumatrope stronger, glue one of the circles to a piece of card stock and then cut it out again. You could find recycled material for this step, as it is hidden on the inside between both circles.
To save time cutting, one of the circles could be glued to a piece of cardstock before being cut out. Rather than cutting it out twice as I did in this video.
Or if you are able to print the image out directly on cardstock then you can skip this step altogether.

Rotate your Coloring Page of Earth
Then rotate one of the circles so that one image is upside down. I rotated the coloring page of Earth upside down in the video.
Glue your Coloring Pages Together
Then glue the two sides of your coloring pages of Earth Day together. I altered the template after filming this video to make it easier to assemble.
For the new template, simply line up the black dots on one side. Consequently the gray dots will be aligned on the other side of the thaumatrope.
Then punch a hole on either side of the coloring page of the Earth.
Trim any area where the paper is sticking out. Alternatively, color in the extra bits along the edge with a black marker to create a more polished looking edge.
Lastly, insert the elastics on each side of your Earth Day Craft.
How to See the Blended Image
To see the image of the earth being held in the hands, either wind up the elastics and then release, or twist the elastics back and forth.
I hope you have fun building this thaumatrope using these coloring pages of Earth Day. I hope this Earth Day easy craft inspires you to create your own Earth Day craft projects using the blank templates too!

Other Space Resources
If you are studying space in the classroom check out some more space resources. Read about the phases of the moon with this Moon Phases Garland. There are also some fun Space Directed Drawings for students to use as an early finisher project, as a simple art project, or as a TOC sub plan.