This is a single page decimal to fraction worksheet of a toque. There are several printing options and ways to complete this decimals worksheet. If you are looking for fun math activities to teach decimals in 5th grade this adorable color and calculate math activity could be the thing for you!
With three different sections it makes this activity an easy converting fractions to decimals worksheet. Follow along to learn how to convert fractions to decimals on this adorable toque.

Materials Needed for Decimal to Fraction Worksheet
-Printable Toque Template: Toque Decimal to Fraction Worksheet
(Also Available on TPT: Changing Fractions to Decimals Worksheet
-Pencil crayons or markers
Many Printing Options for Changing Fractions to Decimals Worksheet
The first step is to print the desired toque option.
The first option is to print the decimal to fraction worksheet on its own. This is a great choice if you have a creative way you would like to use the decimals worksheet, or for free exploration.
The second option is to print the decimals to fractions worksheet with a template at the bottom showing the divisions of the toque.
The toque is divided into 3 sections:
The pompom section = 25 boxes.
The crown of the toque = 100 boxes.
The cuff of the toque = 50 boxes.
Lastly, decimals to fractions worksheet templates come with 3 or 6 boxes for each section as a color legend.
Write the value of each box in the space provided above. Alternatively, worksheets with decimals are available with the with the value of the box already indicated.
Some decimal and fraction worksheets come with a decimal already given, others come with a blank spot for students to create their own design and then represent it in decimals.
Some decimal and fraction worksheets can come blank fractions or they come with a predetermined fraction that students can convert to decimals.

How to Use the Decimal to Fraction Worksheet for Addition
To use this changing fractions to decimals worksheet as an addition worksheet, have students write the total for each color in the boxes. They could also write an addition sentence in the space beside to show that their total comes to the correct value.
Students can either decide on their numbers first, or color the sections and then count the numbers used and record them below.

How to Use the Template as a Decimals Worksheet
This toque was designed for calculation of decimals and fractions. Therefore, each section has a total value of 1.
To calculate the decimals. First, color the section of the toque. Next count the number of boxes completed in each color. Then record the number on the side with the corresponding color. Finally multiply the number of boxes by the value of the squares.
The squares have different values depending on the section. For the pompom, each square is worth. 0.04 as there are 25 squares total.
Looking for an additional challenge? Then, check out the sheets available that require students to calculate the value of each box.
Some changing fractions to decimals worksheet come with the decimals predetermined. As with the previous example, use the value of the box to determine how many squares are represented by the decimal value. Once the calculations are complete, color the section of the toque to represent the values at the bottom.
How to Use the Template as a Fractions Worksheet
There is a decimal to fraction worksheet with a bar in the middle to help represent the decimals as fractions. Students can come up with their own values for the fractions and convert them to decimals. Or students can use the predetermined fractions and then convert them to decimals.
Finally, finish the decimal to fraction worksheet. Then, calculate and color each of the remaining sections.
I hope you enjoyed this math 5th grade decimal worksheets. Completing this conversion of fractions to decimals worksheet multiple times helps students gain confidence and explore different options for how to represent fractions and decimals. Lastly, math crafts help students learn how to convert decimal to fraction with a visual representation to aid understanding.
I am hoping to keep making more with different themes. Check out my website for my latest projects:

Other Resources
I hope you enjoyed this fraction and decimal worksheet. If you are looking for more math crafts check out the Carrot Fraction Garland and the Watermelon Fraction Garland. Do you prefer oranges to carrots? Then, try the delicious Orange Fraction Garland 😉
The watermelon fraction garland is an adorable craft to practice comparing fractions. Read about it on my blog post: Compare Fractions: Make Math Cute with Watermelon Garland.